Chinese New Year Celebration

Chinese New Year Celebration

The Ireland China Education College (ICEC) are a not-for-profit school that teach Mandarin in the Bray local community.  They work in collaboration with UCD.  This artwork was created by one of the ICEC students, depicting the year of the snake.

My family and I were kindly invited to their new year celebrations.  We were treated to Chinese food, poetry, song, and music.  Bray has a large Chinese community, and we were delighted to be included in this special celebration.  

My son is in secondary school and his school is recognised as a confucius classroom.  He is in his 2nd year of studying Mandarin Chinese and this was an enjoyable experience for him, as he got to practise his language skills.  He hopes to take Mandarin for his Leaving Certificate.  

If your child might be interested in learning Mandarin, you can contact the college at 


Happy New Year!