Light Outages Across Wicklow

Light Outages Across Wicklow

Across the county, we are experiencing lots of difficulties with streetlight outages. Not all faults can be fixed by the council as they are complex and require ESB work, for example, new underground cables.

At January's council meeting, I requested that we get a spreadsheet of faults in Wicklow so we can inform people whether they were an ESB fault or were on the council list to be fixed. The Chief Executive agreed to this request.

I followed up on this at February's council meeting. The chief executive was not present and unfortunately, the directorate staff present had no recollection of this agreement. The kindly got back to me to confirm that my recollection was accurate and confirmed by the January meeting transcript.

I believe that having a spreadsheet would allow us to use our time more efficiently. We would not need to query individual lights with the council and would not have to dedicate so much speaking time at meetings to specific cases. We would also know who to lobby about specific lights. This feels like a win-win solution to me.